Musings on the Craft of Writing

►Spare Thoughts

Alternate -Me-

Hi, all.

Here’s the other half of me, where I write philosophy (and other clutter in my head).  I published my first philosophy book yesterday.  Please enjoy and comment.

E-version cover



►Not Quite Dead

Sorry for the long cricket-chorus. Life decided to rearrange itself under me. Things are still unsettled, but I’ve made progress nonetheless.: I’m ~80% done on draft one of my new novel. My first novel, After Life, has been re-reedited and gets republished within 2 weeks, even printed this time. Also, I’m finishing up work on a new website.


That’s all,


►Guest Post by Graeme Brown, Fantasy Writer


While my own life is caught in the fecal-flinging whirlwind of having to move, I decided to host a few guest posts.  This is Graeme Brown, a Fantasy author (more…)

►Wine and Roses

Good 1st Drafts are like good 1st Dates: Brimming with excitement, blinding to imperfections.

►Happy Birthday, JRRT

Thanks for making medieval Fantasy a living genre, Tollers.  If there’s an afterlife, I hope you’re enjoying the Shire.

Young Tollers



►To the Purveyors of 50 Shades of Twilit Shit

Got this jolt from Blake today in a coffee house…

Degrade first the Arts if you’d Mankind Degrade.
Hire Idiots to Paint with cold light & hot shade:
Give high Price for the worst, leave the best in disgrace,
And with Labours of Ignorance fill every place.

-William Blake

(I’ve nothing to add.)


►PSA (for Krampus Day)

My gift to you for Krampus Day… Backup all the data that you care about keeping onto a cloud storage.

I’m an IT Pro for a University, and every couple of months we see a laptop-crytear-smeared student lamenting the loss (more…)

►My Secret, Dark Superpower

(It’s dark because it’s buried under a bunch of junk in the garage.)

OK, I guess the secret’s out now… I do have a superpower.  Thanks a lot, Lois Lane– I mean, Vicki Vale– I mean, Skiffy & Fanty for blowing my cover. The-Tick1

≡ –> Daniel’s Superpower




►Started Tapping the Keyboard

Happy to have set my brain on fire this weekend.  I have, after 9 weeks of planning a series (a septology), begun Draft One of book one.

This septology is an epic (I loathe how this word has been kidnapped by the equivalent of neo-valley-girls) dark medieval Fantasy series.  I’m hoping that my skills as an author have improved to the point (more…)